A World of Warcraft fan just discovered that the icon for Khaz Algar changes when mousing over it on the world map in The War Within. This neat new feature helps to highlight the vast underground zones of the expansion and is not found in any other region on the World of Warcraft map.
Nedavno je ljubitelj World of Warcraft igre primijetio da se ikona za Khaz Algar mijenja kada je prelazite mišem po svjetskoj mapi u The War Within ekspanziji. Ova zanimljiva nova opcija ističe velike podzemne zone ove ekspanzije i nije pronađena ni na jednoj drugoj regiji na mapi World of Warcrafta.
After the launch of WoW: The War Within on August 26, World of Warcraft fans will travel to the continent of Khaz Algar. This region, nestled between southern Kalimdor and Pandaria, consists of four new zones, but of them, only the Isle of Dorn is located on the surface – The Ringing Deeps, Hallowfall, and Azj-Kahet are all deep underground. Because of this, Khaz Algar looks pretty small on the world map, as only the Isle of Dorn can be seen from above.
Nakon izlaska WoW: The War Within 26. augusta, ljubitelji World of Warcraft igre će putovati na kontinent Khaz Algar. Ova regija, smještena između južnog Kalimdora i Pandarije, sastoji se od četiri nove zone, a samo Isle of Dorn se nalazi na površini – The Ringing Deeps, Hallowfall, i Azj-Kahet su svi duboko pod zemljom. Zbog toga, Khaz Algar izgleda prilično malo na svjetskoj mapi, jer se sa nadzemlja može vidjeti samo Isle of Dorn.
The War Within is arriving soon, and World of Warcraft players will have four new zones to explore when they get access to the new map. However, World of Warcraft added a new feature to the world map to show that there is more than meets the eye in Khaz Algar. As of the most recent build of The War Within beta, the in-game world map of Azeroth has been updated to include the new continent.
The War Within uskoro stiže, a igrači World of Warcrafta će imati priliku istražiti četiri nove zone kada dobiju pristup novoj mapi. Međutim, World of Warcraft je dodao novu mogućnost na svjetsku mapu kako bi prikazao da u Khaz Algaru postoji više nego što se na prvi pogled čini. U najnovijem izdanju The War Within beta verzije, in-game svjetska mapa Azerotha je ažurirana kako bi uključila novi kontinent.
When players investigated the map, they found that the icon for the new region changes when hovering over it – rather than simply lighting up like other continents, the island seemingly expands, with the wide underground caverns being visible beneath it. WoW content creator MrGM was one of the first to notice this awesome detail, which he captured and shared on Twitter.
Kada su igrači istraživali mapu, primijetili su da se ikona za novu regiju mijenja kada prelaze mišem preko nje – umjesto da samo svijetli kao kod drugih kontinenata, otok se naizgled širi i ispod njega postaju vidljive široke podzemne pećine. WoW kreator sadržaja pod imenom MrGM bio je jedan od prvih koji je primijetio ovaj fantastičan detalj, koji je zabilježio i podijelio na Twitteru.
None of World of Warcraft’s previous expansions have this sort of detail on the world map, as other continents typically just highlight their borders when mousing over them. That said, only a handful of World of Warcraft zones are stacked on top of each other – and when they are, those regions are usually shown off to the side, and never on the overworld map.
Nijedna od prethodnih ekspanzija World of Warcrafta nema ovakav detalj na svjetskoj mapi, jer se kod ostalih kontinenata obično samo pojačava osvjetljenje granica kada se pređe mišem preko njih. Može se reći da samo nekoliko zona World of Warcrafta se nalazi jedna iznad druge – i kada se takve zone pojave, obično su prikazane sa strane, nikada na nadzemnoj mapi.
Though many players enjoyed the presence this unique detail gave to Khaz Algar on the world map, some are still concerned about going underground for an entire expansion. While Zaralek Cavern introduced some impressive new visuals and technologies, it was widely considered the worst zone in Dragonflight due to its subterranean locale. That said, the three underground zones of The War Within are each vastly different – Hallowfall doesn’t even appear to be underground thanks to Beledar, a color-changing crystal that conjures a dynamic environmental effect never seen in World of Warcraft before. Fans will have to see how they feel about Khaz Algar when it becomes available during The War Within early access on August 22.
Iako je mnogim igračima bilo drago što je ovaj jedinstveni detalj dodan na svjetsku mapu za Khaz Algar, neki su i dalje zabrinuti zbog potpunog podzemnog iskustva tokom cijele ekspanzije. Iako je Zaralek Cavern predstavio impresivne nove vizuale i tehnologije, široko je smatrana najgorom zonom u Dragonflightu zbog svog podzemnog mjesta. Svejedno, tri podzemne zone The War Within su međusobno vrlo različite – Hallowfall se čak ne čini podzemnom zahvaljujući Beledaru, kristalu koji mijenja boje i stvara dinamičan efekat u okruženju kojeg do sada nije bilo u World of Warcraftu. Fanovi će morati vidjeti kako se osjećaju prema Khaz Algaru kada postane dostupan tokom The War Within early accessa 22. augusta.
World of Warcraft is an incredibly successful MMORPG that has been going strong for almost two decades. It's one of the highest-grossing franchises in history and is widely considered the most popular MMORPG ever made.
World of Warcraft je izuzetno uspješna MMORPG igra koja je jaka već gotovo dva desetljeća. To je jedna od najprofitabilnijih franšiza u povijesti i često se smatra najpopularnijom MMORPG igrom ikad napravljenom.
With the addition of the changing icon for Khaz Algar on the world map, World of Warcraft continues to innovate and provide new and exciting features for its dedicated player base. The War Within expansion is highly anticipated by fans, and this small yet significant detail only adds to the excitement. Players can't wait to explore the underground wonders of Khaz Algar when the expansion launches.
S dodatkom promjene ikone za Khaz Algar na svjetskoj mapi, World of Warcraft nastavlja inovirati i pružati nove i uzbudljive mogućnosti svojim posvećenim igračima. Ekspanzija The War Within se s nestrpljenjem očekuje od strane fanova, a ovaj mali, ali značajan detalj samo dodatno povećava uzbuđenje. Igrači jedva čekaju istražiti čudesa Khaz Algara kada ekspanzija bude dostupna.